General Information
A Volunteer Examiner (VE) is a licensed radio amateur, holding a General Class license or higher, who offers their time to administer the FCC licensing exam. SEMARA is accredited in the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) system and offers exam sessions. These exam sessions are referred to as “VE Sessions” and are open to the public for any person who would like to become an amateur or upgrade their current license class.
SEMARA’s VE Team Leader is Paul G. Sadeck, K1PGS. Please contact Paul at k1pgsadeck(at)gmail(dot)com ahead of time if you plan to attend an upcoming session. VE Sessions are held at the SEMARA Clubhouse, 54 Donald Street, Dartmouth, Massachusetts on the first Saturday of most months at 9:00 AM (see schedule below). If you are running late on the day of the exam, please notify the VEs by calling Paul on his cell (508) 961-7220.
COVID-19 Safety
For everyone’s safety, please observe current guidance regarding COVID-19. We will advise you of current restrictions and procedures before the upcoming exam session. This may include CDC and local guidelines such as physical distancing, face coverings, and proper sanitation. Please contact Paul if you have any concerns.
Upcoming 2025 Exams
Saturday Morning @ 9:00 AM:
- February 1st
- March 1st
- April 5th
- May 3rd
- June 7th
- July 5th
- August 2nd
- September 6th
- October 4th
- November 1st
- December 6th
For directions, please click here:
54 Donald Street
Dartmouth, MA 02748-1902
What To Bring
When attending a VE Session, the person taking the exam should remember to bring:
1. One government issued Photo ID, or two non-photo IDs (one with address).
Note: If bringing non-photo IDs, two from the following list are acceptable:
• Non-photo ID or drivers license (some states still have them)
• Birth certificate
• Social security card
• Library card
• Utility bill
• Bank statement or other business correspondence
• Postmarked envelope with current mailing address
• School ID (student only)
• Report card (student only)
• Work permit (minor only)
2. Original or photocopy of FCC issued license (if licensed).
3. Original and/or photocopy of all Certificates of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) you are claiming (if applicable).
4. Two number two pencils with erasers and a pen.
5. Optional calculator*.
6. Optional slide rule and/or logarithmic table(s)*.
7. The 2018 ARRL/VEC exam session fee of $15.00.
8. Your FCC Federal Registration Number (FRN)†.
9. Email address†.
* Only stand-alone calculators with their memory erased and formulas cleared are acceptable. Only logarithmic tables free of notes and formulas are acceptable. You may not bring any written notes or calculations. Cell phones and all other electronic devices must be silenced or turned off and out of sight during the exam session.
† You must preregister with the FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS) and get an FRN to use on the application. The FCC requires that you register with a valid email address.
Additional Resources
Additional reading provided by the ARRL: