147.000 Repeater Upgrade

On Tuesday, January 22, 2013, work commenced on upgrading the 147.000 repeater.  I intended on simply upgrading the repeater controller to the latest S-COM 7330 in a one week project, but one thing lead to another and the extended task of overhauling the entire system has begun.  The repeater is temporarily running on its internal controller while equipment is being wired and tested.  Be aware that EchoIRLP is unavailable and there is no courtesy tone, however the repeater is still operational.  An update will be posted here once the 147.000 repeater work is complete.  Work is ongoing throughout the month of February.

Some of the work being performed includes:

* Repeater Controller Upgrade (S-COM 7K to 7330)
* Repeater, Controller and EchoIRLP Re-wiring
* EchoIRLP Node Upgrade (PC to Embedded Raspberry Pi/PiRLP)
* Remounting of Duplexer, Repeater, Controller, etc. in New Rack
* Port 3 Controller Wiring for 220/900 Repeater Cross-Linking & UHF Remote Base

Once 147.000 is finished and rackmounted, we will move on to the 220 and 900 repeaters.  More to follow once we get to that point.  I’d like to thank everyone for their patience while this work is performed.  If you have any questions, concerns or would like to find out more about the upgrades, feel free to contact me!


Richard J. Cabral, W1RJC
SEMARA Repeater Committee