Nominations for 2008 positions for officers, BOD, and trustee are open. Most incumbents are running for re-election but nominations are still being accepted for any position.
Here are your current nominees:
President: W1CH
Vice President: K1KVV
Secretary: Open
Treasurer: KB1NB
BOD: K1JGV, N1ITQ, W1DJG, K1CJS, WX1DOG (elect 3)
Trustee: K1CJS, W1AFD, WA1ZCB, W1ZYV (elect 1)
Any club member is eligible to run for one or more offices. Club officers make up four of the seven BOD positions, leaving three open for election. If any club member is interested in serving for any elected position for the 2008 calendar year, please email n1ti.semara(at)