900 MHz Repeater Back on NEAR-900

As of Saturday, March 31, 2012, SEMARA’s 927.8375 repeater is now relinked full-time to the New England Amateur Radio 900 MHz (NEAR-900) network.  Marcel, W1MLD assisted me in finishing the installation of a directional Wi-Fi antenna between the SEMARA clubhouse and the repeater site which restored the IRLP link for the network.  The wireless link equipment is on loan from Tony, NN1D.  Pending membership approval tomorrow night at the business meeting, SEMARA will purchase its own equipment and return the borrowed equipment to Tony.

As a reminder, some of the other 900 MHz repeaters that you can expect to be linked in full-time with us include Boston, Marlborough, Marshfield and Salem.  You can always check to see who is currently connected to the network in real time by visiting the IRLP Status Page for the New England Reflector.  Channel 5 (9125) is the NEAR-900 channel and all stations listed under this channel are linked together.


Richard J. Cabral, W1RJC
SEMARA Repeater Committee