Constitution & Bylaws Amendment Notification

Click the image above to view a PDF of Rick’s submitted Constitution and Bylaw amendment.

Dear SEMARA Members:

You are hereby notified that at the SEMARA Business Meeting on Thursday, May 3, 2018, Richard J. Cabral, W1RJC of Dartmouth, MA, a member in good standing of the association, read aloud and submitted an amendment to our Constitution and Bylaws signed by five SEMARA members in good standing.

This amendment is in response to Paul G. Sadeck, K1PGS’s proposal on April 5, 2018, which was defeated at the May business meeting.  The revisions in this proposal are to address both the definition of a member in good standing as intended by Paul, while also updating the types of membership.  The Board of Directors held a meeting in February and brought forth recommendations to the membership at the March business meeting.  This submission aims to address most of those recommendations:

Member In Good Standing
  • More clearly define a “member in good standing” by adding that the member must be listed as active on the membership roster.
  • A member shall be considered active if they respond to a request to verify and update their contact information with the Association.
  • This permits for (but not necessarily requires) such requests once annually per member at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
  • Specifics like requiring the member to furnish an email address or to submit to the association on the date of their birth annually are intentionally omitted.
New Associate Member Type
  • Housekeeping to remove “Charter Member” as a membership type, as all charter members have passed away.
  • Add “Associate Member” as a new membership type for non-Amateur Radio operators.
  • The new “Associate Member” shall be similar to “Honorary Member,” where they have no vote and cannot place motions, nominate officers or be elected to serve as an officer.
  • Change “Life Member” to require future applicants to hold an active Amateur Radio license.

The above is intended only as a convenient summary.  Please review the amendment in its entirety for completeness.  Find attached a Portable Document Format (PDF) of the original submission, as read aloud and addressed to club President, Marcel L. Dumont, W1MLD at the May 3, 2018 business meeting.  As per item 3 in Article VIII of the Constitution of the Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association, Inc., notification by email or other electronic means must be executed at least one week prior to the next business meeting.  This serves as that notice to allow for voting at the Thursday, June 7, 2018 business meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Richard J. Cabral, W1RJC
SEMARA Secretary

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