The ARRL June VHF QSO Party begins 1800 UTC Saturday and ends 0300 UTC Monday (June 12-14, 2010). The object is to work as many amateur stations in as many different 2 degrees by 1 degree grid squares as possible using authorized frequencies above 50 MHz. Foreign stations work W/VE amateurs only.
SEMARA member Rich, W2RG will be operating this event. He is encouraging other members to join him and writes:
I have equipment for 50, 144, 432, 903, 1296, 3456, 5760, and 10368 MHz (i.e., 10 GHz) that I will take in my van and operate at two or three beautiful sites around SE Massachusetts.
I have permission to operate next to the Race Point Ranger Station near Provincetown (a *gorgeous* site, FN42). I also expect to work from the Marconi Beach parking lot (FN51) near Wellfleet and from the Fairhaven Town Beach parking lot (FN41) on West Island. These sites should each offer great opportunities for VHF & up rover contacts up and down the east coast.
I’d like to invite one other Ham to join me for either Saturday or Sunday. You could ride with me in the van or take your own vehicle as you please.
You can respond by return email or phone me at 508-999-0834 to ask questions or make arrangements.