Howard E. Michel, WB2ITX, a local amateur from Dartmouth, Massachusetts and life member of the Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association (SEMARA), has been elected as the new Chief Executive Officer of the ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio!
The official announcement was made on August 27, 2018 by the ARRL, as their Board of Directors voted in Michel (his name rhymes with “nickel”) effective October 15th. He is currently Chief Technology Officer at UBTECH Education, Senior Vice President of UBTECH Robotics in China and previously worked at UMass Dartmouth.
Assistant Section Manager for the ARRL Eastern Massachusetts section, Phil Temples, K9HI proudly sent his regards, stating “congratulations to SEMARA! One of your own becomes ARRL CEO!” Meanwhile as the news broke last week, SEMARA member Benjamin B. Jackson, N1WBV was taken by surprise; “okay, I was listening to the ARRL Audio News driving down I-195 today and this story made me go ‘wait, what?'”

SEMARA Secretary, Richard J. Cabral, W1RJC reached out to Howard this week, congratulating him on his appointment and extending an invitation to join us at an upcoming SEMARA business meeting. He replied, “Thanks for the nice message,” adding “I’d love to come to a meeting. I can’t make the one this month. I’ll be starting at ARRL on 10/15. Maybe I can make the November meeting. I’d love to. I want to reach out to all of the ARRL members (and non-members) and start a dialog with them. Perhaps with a little more advanced notice, we can get more SEMARA members to attend.”
We at SEMARA send along our felicitations to Howard, as we look forward to his future visit and fellowship at our clubhouse. Read more on him and his appointment by clicking on the press release by the ARRL to the left. You can also check out these two stories/news posts on:
- ARRL website
- ARRL Eastern Massachusetts website
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