Did you know that you can download and listen to digests of CQ Amateur Radio, WorldRadio and QCWA Journal right here on SEMARA.org? For years now, SEMARA member Robert R. Zeida, N1BLF of Dartmouth, MA has produced audio materials for visually impaired and blind amateurs across the country. The recordings are distributed through the Courage Center Handiham System.
Current digests as well as archives from the past few years are available in the SEMARA Audio Library. As Bob finishes fresh audio digests each month, they are posted for your enjoyment. Check them out today and be sure to pass the word to visually impaired hams!
Note From W1RJC: On behalf of the SEMARA Web Committee, I would like to apologize to Bob and anyone that may have been looking for the audio section in the past few months. Due to an administration error, the “Audio” link in the menu was disabled, thus finding the Audio Library section was almost impossible. This was pointed out to me by Bob and the problem has been resolved as of tonight.