From K1KVV: An every member assessment of $10 was approved at the November 6, 2008 business meeting. The assessment is to offset the cost of re-grading the club grounds to improve drainage and provide a base for the handicap access ramp. The $10 assessment is being collected during the first quarter of 2009, beginning with the January business meeting and ending with the April business meeting. Members will be notified using the SEMARA announcement email list.
Members without an active email account will be notified via first-class US mail at their FCC address. Members, who cannot be reached or have not paid the assessment by the April 2009 business meeting, will be marked “in arrears.”
The Vice President will accept checks for the assessment. Make your check payable to SEMARA, write ASSESSMENT on the memo line. Mail to SEMARA-Assessment, 54 Donald St., Dartmouth, MA 02748
The Treasurer accepts cash – only at the business meetings.