Nancy Smith, N1VOA of Wareham, MA died at age 76 in her home on January 13, 2021. A lifelong resident of eastern Massachusetts, she was the mother of SEMARA member, Scott Smith, KE1CN. Nancy always supported his amateur activities, driving him to meetings and had joined him at the last SEMARA club dinner.
She made her way toward becoming licensed as N1VOA by first being a CB operator and assisting those in need. Until the end of her life, she remained active in several ham radio clubs and contributed to communications at charity events.
She nurtured her spirituality and celebrated her love of music through the Ferry Beach Retreat and Conference Center Circle of Music Program. A celebration of her life will be held at Ferry Beach in August 2021.
In lieu of flowers, charitable donations may be made to a scholarship set up in her name, The Nancy Smith Ferry Beach Circle of Music Scholarship at www.ferrybeach.org/NancySmithScholarship
Our sincere sympathy to Scott and his family for their loss.