Ken Villone, KU2US of the Original 13 Colonies Special Event Group has invited SEMARA to participate in this year’s event. So far, Ben, N1WBV has volunteered. Please contact SEMARA’s Radio Events Chairman, Bob, K1KVV if you are also interested. Here is Ken’s open invitation to SEMARA:
This is the third year that the “The Original 13 Colonies Special Event” has been on the air. We are in need of a station representing the Colony State of MA. I am extending an invitation to HR clubs in your state to possibly participate. We have one club station participating now (PART/WB1GOF) but need another. The event runs from July 1st to July 5th annually. Go to and look up my call bio (KU2US) for detailed information. This is an opportunity to be involved in the fastest growing and popular SE to date. In 2009 we did over 12,000 QSOs and in 2010, over 34,000! An open Colony station slot is very rare, but our other MA. station had to bow out due to personal family reasons. One criteria, operators must be General class or higher and LOVE pile-ups. Email me back if interested and I will give you all the detailed information needed.
Thanks and 73
Ken Villone-KU2US
The original 13 Colonies S/E Group
Awards Manager.