The History of Zero Beat’s Classic Masthead

Al Marote, WA1LBG of Vero Beach, FL recently took the time to email the web committee with some very interesting information regarding SEMARA’s original Zero Beat logo.  He writes:

Just saw the web post from January titled “New Zero Beat Archives” and was quite pleased to see the “lightning bolt and electrons” masthead from the March 1966 issue of Zero Beat. This masthead was drawn by my father, Dennis O. Marote. In the right hand corner of this same issue, just below the masthead it says “Printed by Marote Printing Co.” which was my father’s print shop that was then located on Dartmouth Street.

Most of those old Zero Beats are peppered with mention of myself (both WN1EWE and WA1LBG) and many old friends.

A long time ago!



Alan “AL” Marote, WA1LBG
Vero Beach, Florida

Thanks for the email Al! 🙂