Volunteer Registration Open – 2018 Boston Marathon

David Wolfe, KG1H has passed along the following to SEMARA:

Volunteer registration is open for the 2018 Boston Marathon! Sign up today on the BAA’s web site.  You don’t need to specify any group name or passcode.  Just make sure you request at least one ham radio assignment in your preferences.  Once you get your application confirmation number, you’re all set.

If you re a returning volunteer, you’ll be asked to provide your BAA Volunteer Loyalty Number.  You should’ve received that in a separate e-mail from the BAA today.  There s also a tool to look it up on the BAA volunteer site.  If you still have trouble finding it, e-mail us and we can help you out.

Don’t delay!  Volunteer registration closes in early February.  Help us get the word out by forwarding this e-mail to your club and other hams who might like to volunteer.  Most volunteers first learn about the event through word of mouth.  If you know new amateurs who might like to join us, make sure to let them know about it.  Even just a quick mention at your club meeting can be a big help.

Again, If you have any questions about volunteer registration, or the 2018 Marathon generally, please get in touch anytime.  Volunteering at the Marathon is a big job, and we appreciate the time and effort everyone puts into it.  We’re happy to do what we can to make your work more comfortable or effective.

Again, we look forward to seeing everyone again soon.

Thank you and 73,

Matthew Forman, K6MCF
Boston Marathon Communications Committee