WX4NHC, at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, conducts its annual station test on May 30, 2015, 1400 until 2200 UTC (10:00am – 6:00pm EDT). This tests the station equipment, antennas, and computers in preparation for the 2015 hurricane season, June 1 through November 30.
The event provides practice for ham radio operators and National Weather Service (NWS) staff to become familiar with the kinds of Amateur Radio communications available during times of severe weather.
WX4NHC will make brief contacts on various bands and modes, exchanging signal reports and basic weather information, such as “sunny” or “rain,” with any and all stations. WX4NHC will try to stay on the Hurricane Watch Net frequency of 14.325 MHz and announce when they QSY. Locate WX4NHC by using a spotting network, such as DX Summit.
WX4NHC also will be on the VoIP Hurricane Net (VoIP-WX) from 2100 until 2200 UTC and on IRLP node 9219 and EchoLink WX-TALK Conference node 7203.
QSL cards are available via WD4R with an SASE. Do not send cards directly to the National Hurricane Center.
~Bob K1KVV
Radio Events