Zero Beat – April 2010

Zero Beat for April 2010 is now online, compliments of editor Bob, K1KVV. In this edition:…

147.000 Temporarily Reduces Power

From the SEMARA Repeater Committee: You may have noticed intermittent crackle noises on weak signals when…

2m QSO Party – Sunday, May 30th

FARA QSO Party For full details, check out the document above. Adobe Reader is required. Jim,…

Lawrence Teixeira, WB1GJU

It is with great regret that we announce the passing of longtime SEMARA member Lawrence J.…

Monthly RACES Net Moves to 147.000

Joe, N1IXC writes: Tony Gomes, Ed Caron and myself just came back from a RACES meeting…

Boston Marathon – Volunteers Still Needed

Paul, W1SEX writes: As I sit here in one of the final BAA Organizing Committee meetings…