Dear SEMARA Members:
You are hereby notified that at the SEMARA Business Meeting on Thursday, April 5, 2018, Paul G. Sadeck, K1PGS of East Freetown, MA, a member in good standing of the association, read aloud and submitted an amendment to our Constitution signed by five SEMARA members in good standing.
As per item 3 in ARTICLE VIII of the Constitution of the Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association, Inc., amendments to the Constitution or the Bylaws may be submitted in writing at any business meeting. Such requests for amendment must be signed by five or more full members in good standing. The proposed amendments shall be read aloud under the heading of new business. Members shall be notified of the proposed amendment by one or more means, of which email and posting on the SEMARA website have been chosen. Email or other electronic means must be executed at least one week prior to the next business meeting, which is on Thursday, May 3, 2018.
Please find attached a Portable Document Format (PDF) of the original amendment submission addressed to club President, Marcel L. Dumont, W1MLD.
Respectfully Submitted,
Richard J. Cabral, W1RJC
SEMARA Secretary
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