The tour by Dan, W1DAN and Dave, W1DJG of the WGBH and WBZ studios was an…
Author: N1WBV
WGBH/WBZ Tour This Saturday
Dave, W1DJG, has worked out a tour of the net WGBH studios along with the WBZ…
Scholarship Documents Available
SEMARA is sponsoring a scholarship for the upcoming scholastic year. The SEMARA Scholarship is available to…
February Zero Beat Posted
Bob has posted the February issue of Zero Beat. Download it today! Bob is always looking…
K1KYI/R Update
The RIAFMRS writes on their 76 repeater list: The PL had to be turned on the…
ARES Workshop 1/23 in Middleboro
There will be an Emergency Communications Workshop on Saturday January 23rd, 2010 from 9:00 AM-4:00 PM…